Pride of Britain winner Ravi Adelekan, 8, who beat tumour hosts charity fashion show
Doctors dismissed woman's three-day headache as migraine - it turned out to be far worse
'Devoted' dad -of-two, 42, dies at home after complaining of pains in his head
Doctors prescribed pain killers for man's thunderclap headaches – now he's dying
Mum told she'd never fall pregnant after brain tumour naturally conceives twins
Heartache as girl, 10, dying with incurable brain tumour after doctor's misdiagnosis
Horrifying reason behind teen's headaches comes to light after she breaks her glasses
Dying dad makes epic 200-mile cycle 'ride of hope' from UK to Paris to help others
Dad warned he had just two hours to live after dealing with stress of son's diagnosis
Mum forgets her own daughter before receiving shocking diagnosis after 20 years
Brave son wrapped family's Christmas presents and wrote his funeral speech before he died
Russell Grant admits being 'in denial' over brain tumour as astrology hinted at diagnosis
'Amazing' dad dies after doctors 'brushed off brain tumour for computer error'
Beloved grandad diagnosed with deadly tumour after forgetting how to drive
'GP said I had depression - but it was a tumour that would have killed me in six weeks'
Hope for millions as doctors create brain cancer-killing treatment using nano-particles
'I spent months being treated for an ear infection - it turned out to be brain tumour'
'Doctors put my headaches down to brain tumour - but truth nearly killed me'
'My son's headache wouldn't go away - doctors took out appendix but he'd a brain tumour'
Kelsey Parker's emotional tribute to Tom on their daughter's first day of school
Surgeon who removed patient's tear gland instead of brain tumour 'may have harmed 200'
Pop star Faye Fantarrow dead aged 21 after rare brain tumour diagnosis
Terminally ill mum, 21, has written her son enough birthday cards to last until he's 18
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