As temperatures plummet and we feel a frost in the air, it's good to start preparing your garden for the cold bite, and expert gardeners have revealed the exact time to prune your roses for a healthy regrowth next year.

If you are someone who takes pride in your garden, you will know the preparation over winter is just as important as the maintenance during the summer - but the question everyone has is when the right time is. With a cold snap hits, it's important to preserve your roses in order for a beautiful bloom next summer, and they need a bit of attention while the temperatures are low.

So, it's not time to put your gardening gloves away just yet. Although it may be hard to get yourself up and outside to prune your roses in the freezing temperatures - it will be all worth it in the summer, as gardening experts claim we should act now in winter.

"The best time to prune climbing roses would be in late winter, preferably right before the dormant season ends. This will ensure their health, promote new growth, and maintain their shape and structure," Jack Sutcliffe, co-founder of Yorkshire-based shed manufacturer, Power Sheds, advised in Ideal Home.

This advice was also echoed by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), who state that gardeners should aim to prune sometime between December and February. "Don't prune too early in spring as this can damage the new growth. Similarly, don't prune too late in the season when they are about to bloom or have already started blooming. Late pruning can remove the flower buds and diminish the bloom time," Jack added.

Although many gardening experts agree that winter is the best time, gardening guru Monty Don suggests differently. He believes that it should be done much earlier than in the winter and he suggested that roses should be pruned in late autumn instead. "Climbing roses flower on shoots grown the same spring so they can be pruned hard now," and in terms of rambling roses, he advised they should be pruned "immediately after flowering" as their flowers are produced on shoots "grown the previous summer".

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