'I was cruelly bullied for my rare condition - now I'm an international model'
'Pregnant sister orders I give her my wedding dress or she'll abort her baby'
Woman who slept with '300 people in a year' shares defiant one-word message for haters
'I don't want to go to brother's funeral - my mum says I'm being disrespectful'
Yorkshire Ripper victim Irene Richardson's heart-wrenching sacrifice before murder
Strictly: 'I have Adam Thomas' agonising arthritis, I'm often bed-bound at 25'
'My 68-year-old husband is older than my mum but I didn't marry him for the money'
Woman who sleeps with '300 people a year' reveals the cruel hate men give her online
Mum branded 'incestuous' for breastfeeding 3-year-old vows to carry on until school age
Rose West's bizarre prison life - Myra Hindley 'love affair', dangerous diet and name change
Improving your mental health - 'Find your ‘little big thing'
Man breastfed by his wife insists it's not a kink - he does it for health benefits
Woman with the 'world's biggest lips' is on a mission to get the hugest cheeks too
Man who created the XL Bully explains exactly why he did it
Peter Sutcliffe's motive to kill sex workers shut down by undercover cop on case
Final minutes of Peter Sutcliffe's third victim Irene Richardson before brutal murder
Yorkshire Ripper's third victim Irene Richardson hid devastating secret before murder
Woman with crippling fear of stickers trembles whenever she sees them in shops
Gruesome sex abuse crimes of 'deprived' Radio 1 paedophile Chris Denning
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