Outrage as 'letchy' cervical cancer campaign 'sexualises' women with legs slogan
New Covid strain HV.1 is 'highly transmissible' - eight symptoms to watch out for
Experts issue heating warning to Brits who sleep with it on - and it's not about bills
Parents warned of six common winter bugs that pose serious risk to kids
'Devastating' measles warning as illness skyrockets in UK and doctors 'living in fear'
Red wine headache mystery solved as researchers crack why one glass causes such pain
Alzheimer's risk raised more by hidden 'skinny fat' than belly fat, study claims
Beat cold and flu symptoms: Experts reveal 12 ways to feel better
'Experts at Cambridge University shed light on Covid variant symptoms mystery'
Ten best vitamin C-rich fruit and veg to help keep winter bugs at bay
Urgent warning as UK city on high alert for measles as children rushed to hospital
New 10 minute treatment can help bring back sense of smell for long Covid patients
Dementia expert shares careers that help reduce risk of developing condition later in life
Woman feared she was going to die enduring torturous 20-hour wait to see A&E doctor
Easy breakfast swap could slash your risk of a heart attack - what to eat in the morning
Woman shares the 'traumatic' way she found out she has two vaginas
Expert explains why not showering enough can lead to hair loss
Key signals back pain is a real medical emergency and you must call 999 for help
Tips to embrace winter season including meditation, sleep and festive fragrance
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Doctor warns simple mistake people make in winter can lead to cancer
Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, WHO warns
There are 10 simple food swaps to help prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes
Your morning coffee habit could be making you feel more tired, warns doctor
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