Woman, 26, dies after catching superbug in hospital following fall in shower
Doctor warns silent pandemic 'scarier' than Covid and already killing one million a year
Hospital superbugs can be brought under control by a surprise weapon – zinc
'Untreatable' STD superbug that causes infertility and miscarriage is a 'silent spreader'
Feeding dogs raw meat could have deadly consequences for owners because of poo
'At last, doctors are told what we all knew - women can't be ignored'
Stroking your dog and kissing them could spread deadly superbugs, experts warn
Humble hedgehogs could help our fight against superbugs like MRSA
Deadly MRSA superbug was first spread by hedgehogs to humans claims new study
Gran had to have nose job after flesh-eating superbug 'ate away at her face'
'Untreatable' superbug spreading between hospitals and care homes, doctors warn
Dog owners warned not to share a bed with their pets due to deadly superbug
Boffins warn of link between antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' and raw dog food
Superbug passed from dogs to humans risks nightmare scenario of resistance to antibiotics
Coronavirus pandemic 'is paving the way for an increase in superbugs', scientist warns
Superbugs killing thousands of NHS patients but 'families never told by doctors'
Over 90% of makeup products contain deadly superbugs including E.coli, scientists warn
Antibiotic resistance could wipe out human race before climate change
Diarrhoea-causing superbug 'evolves to spread in hospitals and thrive on sugar'
Mum dies during dream family holiday to Bali after catching 'superbug'
Dad, 37, trapped forever in foetal position begs doctors to amputate his leg
Deadly armpit superfungus from Japan has killed eight people in UK hospitals
Son's anguish after mum, 47, killed by deadly flesh-eating bacteria that ravaged her body in hours
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